Hello, I am

Adventuring Light

Taking light into the darkness

About Me





About Adventuring Light

Follow me underground!

I’m a female caver living in the TAG caving region, where we have some of the world’s most renowned caves. My goal is to show you the hidden underground and the importance of raising awareness for these fragile ecosystems.

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Getting Started


Visit www.caves.org to find a grotto near you. Reach out to them via Facebook or email and find out when and where they hold their monthly meetings. It’s much easier if you already have a willing friend or two!

Find a Grotto


At the very least you will need a helmet headlamp and 2 sources of backup lighting, a bag to carry these things, knee pads and clothes that can get dirty. You’ll also need a slip resistant pair of shoes. My recommendations for these things can be found in this video:

Gear Video


Take action! Go to a meeting and meet as many people as you can. If they have a beginner trip, sign up!

Take Action

Trip Gallery

photo of woman in scalloped passage

Photo by Bradley Jones

photo of group posting outside of cave kiosk

Grotto trip for beginners.

photo of woman crawling

Finding virgin passage in a cave we discovered.

 group photo of two friends

Formation room full of soda straws.

photo of woman climbing out of a pit cave

On rope in an open air pit in Alabama.

photo of a pit, participated waiting

A decorated Alabama pit entrance.

Treasuring Moments

On Rope!

Climbing out of Alabama's most photographed open air pit.

Newbie Trip

This beginner trip was for moms and their children to try their hand at caving.

The North Pole

I never dreamed I'd be able to make it down 586' of rope to get to the "North Pole". This was a dream come true!


A collection of thoughts and stories.

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Rep The Brand

Mechandise to fuel your light. Coming Soon...

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